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  • Writer's pictureSudhanshu K

Labradorite Gemstone Price - Get to know at ratanrashi

Often mistaken for moonstone, Labradorite gemstone is a member of the feldspar family. It is a dark stone with an iridescent sheen. It is a natural mineral that occurs in many areas of the world. It is a soft mineral and is not very durable. However, it is easy to find and is not too expensive.

While Labradorite can be found in a wide variety of colors, the most common are yellow, green, blue and red. This makes it a popular gemstone for jewelry pieces. It can be bought for a variety of prices, depending on its color and quality. The more colorful the gemstone, the higher its price will be.

Some people believe that Labradorite has the power to bring good fortune and positive energy. These gemstones are said to be associated with the Northern Lights. This is because of its iridescence. In addition, it helps to promote a peaceful and deep sleep. It also can be used to help you overcome fears and insecurities. It is not recommended for frequent wear, as it is fragile.

Some stones are faceted and show an all-encompassing spectrum of colors. These gemstones are called spectrolites. The spectrolite variety is rare and highly valued. It can cost up to $40 per carat. These gemstones are not commonly found, but they can be found in Madagascar and in Canada.

In addition, the amount of iridescence in the gemstone will affect its value. Labradorite with an evenly distributed iridescent pattern is more valuable than a stone with unpredictable flashes of color. The most expensive Labradorite varieties are the Oregon sunstone and the spectrolite.

Labradorite crystals are mainly sold in cabochon form. The stones can be polished to give them a high shine. This can make the gem less expensive, but you should be careful to protect the stone. Some sellers add wax or oil to enhance its color. This may lead to the loss of the stone's shine over time.

If you are looking for a genuine piece of Labradorite, you can purchase it at local mineral shows. You can also find high-quality Labradorite online. It is easy to check the quality of a gemstone before you buy it, as there are numerous online stores that sell low-quality gemstones at affordable prices.

You can also find a variety of Labradorite jewelry pieces on Amazon and Etsy. Most of these sites offer an extensive selection of Labradorite gemstones. You can search for labradorite pendants, earrings and rings. You can also check the authenticity of the gemstones on these sites. Regardless of which site you choose to buy from, the most important thing is that you are getting a high-quality product. It can be challenging to cut labradorite, so you need to be sure that you are purchasing a high-quality Gemstones.

The most common cuts for Labradorite are round or oval. This type of gemstone is usually carved in a way that maximizes the light reflection and the play of color. When you are looking at labradorite stones, it is important to look at the center of the piece. If the center of the gemstone is not visible, the stone is not highly valued.

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